Wednesday 28 March 2012

'The Aviator' Animated Short

I'm currently working on an animated short project, which is based around a caterpillar that is attempting to escape from a classroom after discovering he is going to be dissected. I always enjoy working on animation and its so much more light hearted than a lot of other film work!

'The Aviator' Rope Scene from Chris Prescott on Vimeo.

Monday 12 March 2012

Glasgow: Symphony of a Great City

A couple of weeks ago I performed as part of a group of three at the Glasgow Film Festival. We created a live improv audio-visual piece using Cycling 74 Max MSP and based around footage of Glasgow filmed by Susan Kemp. It was something entirely new for me (and most of the audience!) with sound leading the image rather than the usual format of having fixed visuals with sound added afterwards. It was a fantastic event and we had about 100 people attend, which for such an experimental piece I thought was pretty fantastic!

Friday 17 February 2012

Experimental Film Improv

I've been really busy this last week preparing for a performance i'm doing at the weekend in Glasgow. Its a one hour event held at the Glasgow Film Festival entitled 'Glasgow: Symphony of a Great City'. In the session will be creating a film live and improvising the soundtrack using a number of Max MSP patches. It should be a great evening and i'm really looking forward to it. I'm hoping to video it and capture audio of the performances so will try and post them up once they are edited.

More information is available here

Saturday 4 February 2012

Icy Conditions

So i've been working in some pretty challenging conditions recently. I'm on a mission to expand my 'Environments' sound library and so i've been heading out and about to get the sounds i'm after. I've been up in Scotland recently to try and capture the sounds of the hills in winter. Its been quite a challenge with batteries draining due to the cold, spindrift getting just about everywhere, avalanches and windshields freezing solid, never mind the wind (80mph a couple of weeks ago!). My library seems to be expanding slowly, but surely. I'm booked to go out and field record for the whole of February so hopefully my library will be bristling with new material by the end of the month!

A Start

So i've started this blog so I can keep people who might be interested up-to-date with what i've been getting up to. Just a bit about myself, i'm a Sound Designer by trade and specialise in sound for film, particularly extreme sports and documentary work in more challenging environments. I've worked on a variety of productions and more recently I have done work for Hot Aches, a climbing film company based in Edinburgh.